Hi ! I am Amer
Nice to e-meet you

I am a tourist guide for 7 years and enjoy sharing the passion of my country, my island with the beautiful places on the sea and on the land

After many years of experience I believe I have accurate and significant knowledge helping providing a simple and engaging experience for guests. I hope to add a personal touch and influence to your experience

Knowledge of the Tour Area

I am prepared to take you on a journey to some of the most unique places in Zanzibar. I will be able to explain facts, history, landmarks, figures, local customs and more. I am always happy to answer additional tour related questions that may come up during the trip. I am dedicated to make your trip insightful and memorable.

Good communication, Strong Empathy and Understanding

I use to assist people from all over the world. For this reason, I use to communicate effectively. Tourists may come from various walks of life, age groups, cultures, nationalities, and backgrounds, or speak different languages. I am able to handle social norms and expectations to being an effective tour guide. I am empathetic to cultural differences and prioritize making each delivery unique to my guests. I am a good listener and open person to accommodating guests with special needs. Each day and every tour will be unique, so I must consistently find opportunities to be charming, interesting, delightful, funny and friendly. This helps groups enjoy one another, which can make the tour more appealing.

Keen Ability to Improvise and Adapt

Situations may change at the spur of the moment. I am familiar with improvising and adapt to changing situations. I am able to adapt and keep up to date with changing times and constant advancements in technology and determine how they affect or enhance their tours.
